Relationship of cardiovascular risk factors to dementia subtypes

   Lead Investigator:    Brittany Dugger
   Institution      :    Arizona
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    352

Publications: 1 Dugger B The presence of tau in peripheral tissues across Alzheimer's disease stages 43070 Grant Alzheimer's association AARG-16-441221 ,
2 Dugger B Tau in peripheral tissues of PSP and CBD 41943 Grant CurePSP foundation 531-15 ,
3 Dugger B The effects of APOE genotype on APP and A-beta levels in human liver and brain 41935 Grant Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) ADHS14-082999 ,
4 Dugger BN, Hentz JG, Adler CH, Sabbagh MN, Shill HA, Jacobson S, Caviness JN, Belden C, Driver-Dunckley E, Davis KJ, Sue LI, Beach TG Clinicopathological outcomes of prospectively followed normal elderly brain bank volunteers Journal Article J Neuropathol Exp Neurol,73:244-252,2014,PMC4066814
5 Dugger BN, Hentz JG, Adler CH, Sabbagh MN, Shill HA, Jacobson S, Caviness JN, Belden C, Driver-Dunckley E, Davis KJ, Sue LI, Beach TG, Consortium atAPD Neuropathological Outcome of Prospectively Followed Normal Elderly Brain Bank Volunteers Abstract Alzheimers Dement,9:P336,2013,
6 Dugger BN, Malek-Ahmadi M, Monsell S, Kukull W , Woodruff B, Reiman E, Beach TG, Wilson J Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Their Interactions Among Clinically Defined Neurodegenerative Diseases Abstract Alzheimers Dement,10:P151-152,2014,
7 Dugger BN, Malek-Ahmadi M, Monsell SE, Kukull WA , Woodruff BK, Reiman EM, Beach TG, Wilson J A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Late-Life Cardiovascular Factors and Their Relation to Clinically Defined Neurodegenerative Diseases Journal Article Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord,30:223-229,2016,PMC4940303

Proposal Description: